Wednesday, June 24, 2009

he's home

He's Home He's Home He's Home!!!!

I don't know about any of you but I hate to spend time away from my Husband or family. Mark has been in CA for a week and boy am I happy he is coming home today. I don't know how all of you single mothers or fathers do it, with out help that is. You never really realize all they do until they are gone. He was missed.

So CA is not much of an option for a moving destination as of now. But we won't rule it out completely...just not now. 2nd option is still on the Table...St. George is still working out their hiring process and will not be calling for a bit. We are hoping and I think my parents have worn holes in their knees praying that we will get it. I must admit I am hoping for St. George too. So keep us in your prayers. I would love to be near my Utah family and friends again. I miss you all so very much. So hear is to hopeing.


jen said...

boo. I wanted you to live in CA, but UT is great too. Hopefully, it works out.

M.S. said...

I so understand you and St. George. It is so good to be visiting Cedar City. Man I miss Southern Utah. It due time, we hope the Lord has plans for us to move back there. BUT if the Lord wants us to stay where we are.... I guess we will. Sorry CA didn't work out. Keep us posted on UT.

Monica M said...

I so know what you are going through. It is so tough out there right now. Good luck with St. George.